be curious, be caring

The Shift

The Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity & Artificial Intelligence.

The general availability of a new set of technologies has the potential to change how we live our lives.

Shifting control back to ...


As individuals and away from centralised entities.


Based on curiousity and caring.

The Collective

The power of many working together, equally.

The change

The foundation:

Less reliance on intermediaries.

The individual is the entity.

Technology/mathematics based trust.

Play to Learn.

Inclusive accessibility; it is in our hands, literally.


We are delivering on the following three key outcomes.


The Components

The Impact of Generally Available "AI"

Now that we are potentially not the "smartest" beings, every organisation (including educational) now needs to ask itself:

# What is Intelligence?
# How will it change our organisational value?
# Is the organisation still relevant?

The release of GPT technologies (e.g. ChatGPT-4) could potentially impact organizations in several ways, depending on their business models and specific use-cases. Here are a few areas where organizations might re-evaluate their value:

Customer Support: If an organization relies heavily on human customer support, ChatGPT-4 could introduce efficiencies and savings by automating some or all of these interactions. However, the company must consider the potential impact on customer satisfaction and brand reputation, and balance the benefits of automation against these risks.

Content Creation: Organizations that produce a lot of written content, such as marketing agencies, news organizations, or educational institutions, could potentially use ChatGPT-4 to generate or draft content. The value proposition here would involve a combination of cost savings, increased output, and the ability to generate content in a variety of styles and tones.

Data Analysis and Insights: If an organization deals with large amounts of unstructured text data, ChatGPT-4 could potentially be used to extract insights from that data more efficiently than human analysts. This would again be a value proposition based on cost savings and increased productivity.

Product Enhancement: If a company's product involves any kind of interaction with users, ChatGPT-4 could be used to enhance that interaction, by providing more responsive and intelligent behavior. This could be a source of competitive advantage and increased user engagement.

Reskilling and Upskilling: With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT-4, it's important for organizations to invest in training their workforce to work effectively with AI. This includes both technical skills for developing and managing AI systems, and "soft" skills for understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI, and for collaborating effectively with AI systems.

Ethics and Compliance: The use of AI systems like ChatGPT-4 raises a host of ethical and compliance issues, from data privacy and security, to fairness and accountability. Organizations will need to invest in understanding these issues and ensuring that their use of AI complies with all relevant laws and ethical guidelines.

These are just a few examples. The impact of ChatGPT-4 will vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of each organization. In general, organizations should consider the potential benefits and risks of using AI, and should strive to use AI in a way that aligns with their values and strategic goals.

1. Why (Purpose and Mission)

The core mission of educational organizations is to facilitate learning and help students develop skills and knowledge. With the advent of sophisticated AI like ChatGPT-4, this mission doesn't change, but the context does. It's now about preparing students for a world where AI is ubiquitous and equipping them with the skills to use and understand AI effectively. It also involves fostering critical thinking skills so students can evaluate the information provided by AI tools and use it responsibly.

2. How (Methods and Approaches)

The availability of AI tools like ChatGPT-4 could significantly change the methods used by educational organizations. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Personalized Learning: AI can be used to provide personalized feedback and instruction, adapting to the needs of individual students in ways that human teachers might not have the capacity for.
  • Automated Grading and Feedback: AI could take over some of the more mundane tasks such as grading multiple-choice tests or providing feedback on grammar in student essays, freeing up educators to focus on higher-level tasks.
  • Tutoring and Study Assistance: Tools like ChatGPT-4 could be used to provide on-demand tutoring or study assistance, answering student questions and explaining concepts in a flexible, self-paced learning environment.
  • Teaching AI Literacy: AI could be integrated into the curriculum, both as a tool for teaching other subjects and as a subject in its own right, to help students develop AI literacy.

3. What (Offerings and Curriculum)

The rise of AI could lead to changes in the curriculum and course offerings of educational institutions.

  • New Courses: There could be new courses on AI and related topics, designed to prepare students for careers in AI or for the broader impact of AI on society.
  • Integration Across Disciplines: AI concepts and tools could be integrated across a wide range of disciplines, from humanities to science, reflecting the pervasive impact of AI on all areas of knowledge and society.
  • Emphasizing Human Skills: As AI takes over more routine tasks, there could be a greater emphasis on uniquely human skills such as critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, leadership, and ethical decision-making.

In summary, the rise of ChatGPT-4 and similar AI technologies could lead to a major transformation in education. While the specifics will depend on the particular context of each educational organization, the general direction is towards greater integration of AI into the learning process, and a greater emphasis on preparing students for a world in which AI plays a major role.

Research into the power of Generative AI to enable decentralised human/purpose driven learning for all.


The formal and informal research, and inputs that shape selfdriven.

What Is The Blockchain?

Getting an understanding of the blockchain by example, e.g. by setting up a wallet.

Say Hello to Octo!

A member of the selfdriven community created using DALL-E.


Talk to us about how we can work together, ask any questions you have or send us feedback.