
We love working with people and organisations passionate about the value of education, and its capacity to create a least-harmful society.

Say Hello To Octo


Collaboration based on ...

Supporting ...


Never stoping asking why.


Care about yourself, others and what you do.


Together we are better.

Guiding principles ...

Keep it open.

Everything we do is about creating a less-harmful society.

Constructively challenging an idea is healthy.

Connect To Collaborate

Join our Discord Server

Follow Octo on Twitter

Email Us

Catch Ups

Every first Wednesday of the month we run an open to all Google Meet session at 11:30AM-UTC.
Join our discord server and visit the #catchups channel to get the meeting invite link.

Using / Engaging With selfdriven


The foundation works to engage younger members of our community to work within the foundation and learning communities.

Some examples include; becoming a foundation advisory team member, work-experience with the foundation, becoming a selfdriven Ambassador.

Getting Involved

There are a number of ways to help depending on your expertise and time available.

You can also potentially get rewarded for your effort.

App Testing

Help us test the apps we are currently building.

Create Learning Templates

Help build the default set of Learning Templates available to Learners & Learning-Partners.

This can include using ChatGPT4 as a Cognitive Assistant.

Help Populate the Universal Skill Set

Focus is on populating the Governance and Blockchain Development skills, but can be anything that suits you.

We are also looking to work with other Cardano projects to register their skills.

Universal Skill Set

Survey Learners & Learning Partners

Survey learners about their thoughts on education.

Focus is on the Level Up gamification, but can be anything that suits you.

Online Survey


Integrate into your project or other project. i.e using selfdriven as a Learning Management System.

Any Feedback

Connect with us to send feedback - we love it!


Help with research on "How to convert effort and informal activity into measureable growth recognition?"

Or Just Go For It!

selfdriven is shared as CCO (Public Domain), so you can use any of it to build independently!

Just let us know what you are building, as we'd be interested! ;-)

Support The Project

Buy art to support the project building and be recognised as an "Early Supporter".


Deep dive into the why, how, what & who!