
For everyone and everything.


Supporting ...

Identity. It's a universal right.

Recognition of skills gained (skills identity) leads to economic identity.

Economic identity of individuals leads to a better society (collective).

The selfdriven identity framework helps with ...

  • Creating identities for people, organisations and things.
  • Assigning skill attributes as per the selfdriven Universal Skills Set.
  • Sharing and verifing skills; helping with trust between learning partners (people and organisations) that don't know each other i.e. don't have existing established trust.
  • Creating "On-Chain" identity; powered by Cardano.
  • Linking to existing "On-Chain" Decentralised ID (DID) frameworks.

We are delivering on the following three key outcomes.

[Update with identity overview and move this to verification section below.]


What is identity?

selfdriven IDs

The selfdriven SDI identity tokens.


The process by which a person or organisation ("learning-partner") that can verify the learner experience and assign the skills gained etc.


Issuing of identity and verified achievements & skills.

Working With Others

The selfdriven Identity Protocol/Framework works well with others.

State Sovereign Issued Credentials

Working with state/sovereign issued frameworks national credentials etc


Who or What is It?

Identity is made up of the following core components:
  • Unchangeable Attributes; Date of Birth etc.
  • Changeable Attributes; Skills etc
  • Can be any type of entity; Individuals, Organisations (including DAOs) and Things (Real-World and Digital).

Digital Identity

  • Tokenisation (Representation) of Identity.
  • Attributes are via claims; Digital Verifiable Credentials (VCs)
  • Digital Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are used to share attributes and build trust between entities.

Self-Sovereign Identity

Control over the information (tokens) that represent an identity.

Decentralised Identifiers

Representation (token) that allows the secure exchange of information between entities.
Based on the WC3 DID Core Specification, DIDs:
  • Are controlled by the entities that hold them.
  • Enable cryptographic authentication of the DID holder.
  • Describe the discovery of information needed to launch secure and privacy-preserving communication methods.
  • Give access to service-independent data portability.

W3C DIDs Core Specification

Enables interoperability and portability, so DIDs and VCs created by different entities (including selfdriven) can be understood by verifiers or storable in a single identity wallet.

Using Existing Trust Frameworks

The use of existing trust frameworks typically provided by state based of governance can be leveraged to build on-chain identity.
e.g. The email address that is issued to students (learners) & teachers (learning partners) by a state education department can be used to establish the identity. i.e. to issue the SDI token and one-time unique code is sent to the email address.

selfdriven IDs


All information managed by selfdrivenOS (ie via the App) is issued a unique selfdriven ID (SDI) as a UUID.

SDI Types

Type of SDI Type
Identity Trust Starts Here.
Community Member
Individual i.e. Learners, Learning Partners
Community Organisation
Learning Partner Organisation i.e. "School", "Learning Community"
Universal Skill Set
Skill Source
The source of the skills in the Universal Skill Set
Skill Domain
The domain of the skills in the Universal Skill Set
Skill Level
The level of the skills in the Universal Skill Set
Skill Capacity
The capacity of the skills in the Universal Skill Set
Community Resource
A community resource i.e. document
Project Template
A community shared project template i.e. learning template


Example Process of Learning Partner Verifing Achievements & Endorsements



After the verification process has been completed, a community member is issued a SDI, which can be minted on "On-Chain" as a digital asset (NFT).
A selfdriven Verification (SDV) token can also be issued to help users (consumers) of the digital assets verify via the SDI that the person making the claim can be verified (i.e. the claim proven).
The SDV can be retrieved via the permissioned API or, if stored on-chain by querying the Cardano block chain using the SDV Policy ID - see below for more details..
! Important
Be careful hashing/encrypting any personal data on-chain directly.
Recommend using a DID service provider and then linking to it as "did/wc3" attribute.


After verification of achievements (based on learning templates) by the trusted learning partner has been completed, they are created as SDA tokens with links to associated skills (SDI tokens).

Verifing the selfdriven Tokens (NFTs) as a Consumer

Example Verification of Skills Using the SDV Token

A person is applying for a course with say a university or position with an organisation that requires the learner has verifiable existing skills.
The person provides their SDI e.g. 9cbdb0a2-45e7-4be3-83d8-c8d0723aea87, and their email address e.g.
selfdriven has issued a SDV token for the SDI which includes the email attribute that was verified as controlled by the person at the time of issuing - On-Chain Example
Using the well-known selfdriven Policy ID (9a9fc2f60bbfb73eb9bfd71786778f39e400599c8f45ebaee773af20) the organisation queries the Cardano blockchain for the matching SDV based on the provided SDI.
Once the organisation has verified the person still has control of the email address - by say sending them a unique code and asking for them communicate it back to them - they then hash the SDI & email adddress and check that it matches the hash in the SDV token as per below.

Checking the SDV Token Identifier Attribute

Check the SDV metadata for the version
Version type of privacy protection is open, but common options are:
sdvk = SDVk; the verfication key (password) that goes with the SDV verification token and issued to community member when they get their public on-chain SDI. They can then share it with anyone wanting to verify them.
Then using the matching algorithm version; hash or encrypt:
  • sha256; [SDI]-[Attribute]-[Value]
  • sha256-sdvk; [SDI]-[Attribute]-[Value]-[SDVk]
  • aes256; [SDI]-[Attribute]-[Value]
eg for sha256-sdvk:
Which hashes as:
Then verify that this value equals the one in the SDV token metadata.
And this either proving or disproving that the claim by the person that the SDI is theirs.

SDV Identified Attributes Structure

Can be any algorithm, but typically, including our mixed "sdvk" hashing:
"sha256", "sha512", "sha256-sdvk", "sha512-sdvk", "aes256", "pem"
The Importance Of values as lower kebab case.
eg 'environment', 'social-interaction'
"virtual", "physical"
Can be as required, but typically:
"uri", "communication", "geolocation", "service", "cardano", "avatar", "website", "did"
Can be as required, but typically:
"email", "usi", "mobile", "address", "transaction", "uxto", "url", "name", "w3c", "public-key-rsa-spki", "hash"

Working With Others

Identity Tokens, Protocols & Services

The selfdriven Identity Token (SDI) can be linked to other identity tokens (like IAMX, a W3C compliant DID*) using the selfdriven Verification Token (SDV).
* DID; Decentralised Identifier


You can use the following protocols/services as a DID issuers for use with the selfdriven SDV.
e.g. State (Department of Education) issued email address converted to W3C based SDV|did/w3c attribute.

State Sovereign Issued Credentials

National Identity

As per the Working With Other section, selfdriven identity framework can be linked to other identity frameworks - directly or via open standards like the W3C standard.

Credentials & Education Wallets, Passports etc

As state/sovereign based departments of education develop their own educational credentials issuing systems, we will work to support, collaborate and align with them.
A state/sovereign based department of education can of course base their system on the public domain selfdriven protocols & frameworks as part of their identity, metadata, governance, standards & certification based regulatory structure.


Establishing trust on-cloud (off-chain) & on-chain. For Everyone and everything.


selfdriven "On-Chain" tokens/assets.


Explore the universal skills set.


Talk to us about any help you may need.

Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)

"URL-based identifiers (URIs) in use on the Web today (2019) require that the identifier be leased from an authority such as a Domain Name Registrar. A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is an identifier that does not need to be leased; its creation and use is possible without a central authority to manage it. The advent of Blockchains and Decentralized Ledger Technologies have led to other innovations that support this new type of decentralized URI. DIDs have various benefits over more traditional URIs." - W3C - More...