
An active community to needs a source of energy, which can come in two main forms ...
Human Energy
Accumulated Stored Energy
i.e. monetory tokens "funds".


Verification ...


Community members actively using and supporting the selfdriven community.

Informally or formally as Octets or as members of an OctoPod.


Previous captured energy that can be used to support activity within the community.

Funding via programs like Cardano Catalyst, other grants and venture funding.

And human expertise and resources to guide and support.

Energising the selfdriven community by ...

  • Fair reward/incentive mechanisms
  • Aligning to a common purpose of a least-harmful society via education
  • Inclusive launch programs
  • Community based governance.
  • Enabling a selfdriven life


As per our roadmap, we use a number of funding sources to support our ongoing foundation activities - this includes entityOS Funding, Cardano Catalyst Community Funding & Cardano IntersectMBO Grants.

Our objective is to develop an alternative learning framework and tools that contribute to a least-harmful society, and to support the aligned UN SDG Goals & Sub-Goals

Intersect Grants

In collaboration with MAV100 we have been awarded an IntersectMBO Education Grant to engage young people in Cardano governance through open-source educational multimedia content and workshops | Grant Application PDF .

Cardano Catalyst

All Outputs ( ) Are Creative Commons Zero (CCO) Public Domain / Open Source Licenced


Integrating SSI, DID, and Soulbound Tokens with the selfdriven educational framework for transformative education and credentialing. (Scientific Research)

F12 | Open: Ecosystem

The project represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem because it:

Offers new, empirically backed perspectives on the potential use of Atala PRISM and Soulbound Tokens in education and identity verification.

Serves as a blueprint for other projects, providing a rigorous theoretical and methodological framework that can guide the design and implementation of similar initiatives.

Contributes to the literature on the intersection of blockchain technology, education, and identity management. This enhances the reputation of Cardano as a platform for innovative and scientifically sound solutions.

Generates practical recommendations that can help shape policy and regulatory guidelines related to self-sovereign identity, verifiable credentials, and non-fungible tokens in the context of self-driven learning.

The knowledge gained from this research will directly benefit the Cardano community and future projects within the ecosystem.

The project budget is fairly distributed among the various stages of the project, reflecting the effort required at each step, and the team's commitment to delivering high-quality outputs. With a team of experienced researchers and professionals, the quality of the research output justifies the cost.

Scientific research integrating SSI, DID, and Soulbound Tokens with our educational framework for transformative education and credentialing in the Atala PRISM ecosystem.
Develop a plan to engage with the educational ecosystem in regards to SSI.
Research contributes to the design of secure and decentralised systems for identity management, verifiable credentials, and educational achievements, fostering trust, innovation, and growth within the self-driven learning community and the Cardano ecosystem.
The theoretically outlined use cases recommendations, insights, and guidelines provided in the paper can be adopted and implemented by self-driven learning platforms. Establishing new education and career paths by onboarding new experts and teachers and by building self-driven incentives and reputation standards.
Particular evaluation opportunities and measures of success include
Scholarly Impact and Peer recognition: Number of citations, subsequent studies and publications, high citation rates. Invitations to present the research at conferences, workshops, or academic events. This involves positive reviews and feedback from experts in the field as it contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the Cardano ecosystem.
Influence on policy discussions and decisions. If the paper's policy implications and recommendations are considered and incorporated into relevant regulations, guidelines, or frameworks, it signifies its impact on shaping policies related to self-sovereign identity, verifiable credentials, and NFTs (SBTs) in self-driven learning.
Level of engagement and feedback from the scientific, Atala PRISM and self-driven learning communities. This can include receiving acknowledgments, endorsements, or invitations for collaborations from community members, educators, or learners who find the research valuable and relevant to their needs.
Enriched Credentialing Experience: The enhancement of the system through the incorporation of educational insights, competencies, skills, and learning paths should result in a more comprehensive and meaningful representation of individuals' qualifications. Assessing the improved credentialing experience and the credibility and value attributed to attained qualifications will indicate the success of this aspect.
Outlining the key objectives and compilation of relevant literature on Atala PRISM and Soulbound Tokens. This leads to an understanding of the fundamental concepts, features, and potential use cases of Atala PRISM and Soulbound Tokens within the context of Cardano.
Refinement and development of theoretical models, frameworks, or hypotheses. Critical analysis of existing theories both in social sciences and the SBTs-paper, adapting or extending them, and proposing new conceptual frameworks that can guide your analysis.
Collecting data through various means such as literature, surveys, interviews, or analysing existing datasets related to the adoption, usage and technical aspects.
Critical evaluation of findings and theoretical outlines. Feedback from peers, domain experts and the (scientific) Cardano community to validate research and ensure the robustness of the conducted analysis and found conclusions.
Addressing the feedback and incorporating revisions. Finalising the research by preparing a comprehensive research paper that presents the analysis of the potential of ATALA Prism and the applicability of Soulbound Tokens to the Cardano ecosystem.
Effort & Duration
140 hours over 6 Months
Funding Milestones
Research outline and compilation
Refining models, theories and frameworks
Empirical Work, analysing theories and collecting data
Final Submission of the theory
Return on Investent (Funding)
Providing a theoretical framework that can serve as a foundation for further scientific but also practice-oriented work, has an immense value for further development and growth of the Cardano community. Both in the short and long term, robust frameworks can be created, tested, and integrated into the community through studies and peer-review processes. This work addresses the integration of the Soulbound Token concept, which, should the concept prove to be adoptable, will generate interdisciplinary and cross-domain value for Cardano and ATALA Prism.
Access to the Atala PRISM protocol, platform and pioneer program.
  • 4: Quality Education
  • 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 16: Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
  • 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Having not only an educational framework as the basis (Universal Skill Set, pedagogical goal), we encourage lifelong-learning, self-directed learning, social learning (with a community), skill and competency development, and adding all these values on-chain to an SSI/DID concept.
Additional connotations to the SDGs:
  • 3: Good Health & Well-Being
  • 5: Gender Equality
The research paper will be published on reputable platforms and academic repositories, allowing researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to freely access and utilise the insights and recommendations. As an open-source publication, the research paper will be freely available for anyone to view, download, and distribute without restrictions. This promotes transparency, collaboration, and the sharing of knowledge within the Cardano ecosystem. It allows individuals and organisations to build upon the research findings, fostering further innovation and advancement in the field of decentralised education and community engagement.
In addition to publishing the research paper, efforts will be made to disseminate the findings through various channels. This may include presenting the research at academic conferences, hosting webinars or workshops, and engaging with the Cardano community through online forums and social media platforms. Moreover, the research team will encourage the replication and validation of the findings by making the research methodology and data openly available. This transparency allows other researchers to replicate the study, validate the results, and contribute to the growing body of knowledge in the field. By facilitating the replication and validation of the research, the project promotes scientific rigor and credibility..
Research Paper, theoretical framework, academic contribution to Cardano
Practical guidelines, community impact and policy implications


Upgrade the selfdriven Apps to support SSI & xAPI Standards, and DAO Functionality (Open-Source)

F11 | Uses Cases: Solution
The proposal aims to enhance the existing selfdriven Apps to align with emerging standards and incorporate on-chain DAO functionality. Creating a bridge to decentralized learning for traditional education (TradEd).
The selfdriven Apps are currently integrated with Cardano to issue learning community member IDs and achievements using its own NFT metadata formats as per We need to align them with open standards to enable full interoperability. Additionally, we need to support on-chain functionality as we progress towards a decentralized autonomous organisation (DAO).
This proposal aims to align the selfdriven NFTs (digital assets) with the W3C SSI standard. This will enable community member identities and skills in the Universal Skill Set to function as DIDs, and achievements as VCs. Furthermore, it will support the xAPI learning activity interface, the SSI interface, and DAO functionality.
Traditional education environments will then be able to engage with these Apps & APIs as a bridge to decentralisation technologies
  • Cardano
    Enable Logon Using Cardano Wallet using CIP30 integration. This will also create the link to view SSI digital-assets stored on-chain.
  • SSI
    First step is to complete the design of the SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) and publish into W3C Register. This will leverage the existing selfdriven tokens SDI (Identity) and SDA (Achievements). Allowing the issuing of those same tokens using the slfdrvn SSI Schema.
    We will develop an SSI service endpoint ( will be developed to allow DIDDocs & VCs to be retrieved and verified using on-chain hashes stored in accordance with the selfdriven SSI Schema.
  • xAPI
    xAPI Is an open standard for sharing learning activity between learning organisations, including traditional education institutions. We'll establish an xAPI service endpoint ( will allow these organisations to publish & retrieve learner activity. This effectively giving them a path to Blockchain-supported SSI via their compliance to the xAPI standard.
  • DAO
    The selfdriven Apps ( will be updated to support DAO functionality: Voting, On-Chain Updates, Smart Contracts, to support Level Up Growth-Cycle & Launch programs. This will be developed using Marlowe. It will work with the SSI form of the SDO (Organisational) token.
Benefits To The Cardano Ecosystem
Open source Universal Community (Educational & General) Infrastructure
The deeper integration of Cardano-based technology into the selfdriven Framework will offer learning communities (i.e. "schools") the opportunity to engage with emerging decentralization technologies, including Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity.
Adding value to the identity (e.g. Atala PRISM) & connectivity (e.g. WorldMobile) networks that are being rolled out.
SSI Spec in the W3C registry.
Learners (Students) can use the app to sign up & get DID.
Learners can create projects (challenges) and record activity.
Learning Partners (Teachers) can use the app to sign up & get DID.
Learning Partners can log on and verify learner activity and issue Achievements with associated Skills as Verifiable Credentials.
Learning Partner Organisations can register and query learning activity using the xAPI standard via the service endpoint.
A learning community will be able to register a community project and then vote on whether to proceed with the project using their on-chain using their SSI credentials/Cardano wallet as part of the DAO functionality.
A learning community will be able to verify votes relating to community decisions (i.e. if to proceed with a project) by querying the Cardano blockchain using the SDO Policy ID.
A learning community will be able to publish project progress using the SDO Token. This can include on-chain tokens to verfiable evidence by others.
App to enable sign in with linked Cardano Wallet
4 weeks
  • Update App Authentication Process to Accept Signed Data as Trusted Authentication
  • Users; My Profile: Allows Linking of Wallet
  • App Sign In Signs Data and uses as Trusted Logon
  • Updated App
Design SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) and publish into W3C Register
8 weeks
  • Design & document methods using Atala PRISM protocols
  • Publish to W3C register
  • slfdrvn SSI Method Schema Spec @
  • slfdrvn SSI Method Schema Spec Published @
Update selfdriven tokens to be SSI compliant
4 weeks
  • Update Cardano native-token automated processes to use SSI spec.
  • Update in App Tokens view and wallet interaction to work with SSI based tokens.
  • Ability to issue NFTs as DIDs, DIDDoc(Hashes) & Verifiable Credentials
  • Using the App, a user can via SSI aligned NFTs
Update app to allow users to create DID/DIDDoc and service providers to retrieve DIDDoc
6 weeks
  • Update App My Profile to allow users to get DID, DIDDoc and Achievements as VCs.
  • Code and implement service endpoint.
  • Using an selfdriven App (Open Source) a user can download DIDDoc & Verified Credentials.
xAPI Implementation
12 weeks
  • Design xAPI Endpoint.
  • Code and implement service endpoint.
  • is available.
  • selfdriven xAPI SDK available for Service Providers.
Implement DAO functions within the App for Governance (Voting) on Projects and the ability to publish updates to the Cardano blockchain
12 weeks
  • Design DAO functions, including collab with eLearningDAO.
  • Code and implement Cardano smart-contract and token creation processes.
  • Users can vote on community improvement projects using their Cardano wallet.
  • Project milestone updates can be used as SDU (VC) tokens against projects with SDI (DID).
Effort Duration
480 hours over 6 Months
Funding Milestones
Wallet CIP-30 Integration
SSI Upgrade
xAPI Upgrade
DAO Functionality
Atala PRISM Protocol.
  • 4: Quality Education
  • 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16: Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
Implementation Paper


Student-Driven Demonstration of the Use of SSI and the Cardano Blockchain to Capture their Blockchain Skills

FUNDED IN F10 | Startups & Onboarding for Students
Mark Byers | Bence Lukacs | Cameron Smith | MAV100 Students
This project is a student-driven demonstration of the use of the Universal Skill Set, using SSI/Cardano, to capture their blockchain skills as part of the project.
In order to build decentralized societies, we need to educate the younger members of our society. However, traditional educational environments are largely unaware of decentralization technologies and the methods for creating learning experiences
We propose working with a leading group of students to create a learn-by-example introduction to decentralization technologies. They will explore and implement ways to organize, launch projects, and integrate these methods within their communities using the selfdriven and Cardano frameworks and technology.
In collaboration with, we will facilitate the formation of a student team to design, test, and implement learning experiences. The students will engage with various types of decentralisation technologies compatible with the Cardano blockchain, gaining understanding of their usage, societal value, underlying concepts, and acquiring hands-on experience.
The technical education component will leverage the resources provided by the selfdrivenOcto-supported website.
The organisational process will begin with students self-registering at Here, they will use the selfdrivenOcto-initiated Universal Skill Set to register their skills, which will be validated by Learning Partners (teachers).
As an introduction to the Cardano blockchain and SSI, students will create a Cardano Wallet and their Digital Identity (DID). Their validated skills, specifically those pertaining to the Cardano Blockchain, will be registered and viewable within their Cardano wallet.
As part of this proposal, students will have the opportunity to create improvement projects and form teams to execute them using They will also be able to view the skills of their peers recorded using the SSI technologies mentioned earlier.
The projects proposed for this initiative will align with MAV100 activities, such as "How to Launch a Stake Pool."
Students will have access to the Launch functionality within the selfdriven system, which includes links to Cardano Catalyst.
The primary outcomes for students include a profound understanding of decentralisation technologies, hands-on experience in using them, and learning how to organise and launch projects, as well as teaching these skills to other students.
Benefits To The Cardano Ecosystem
Applying the organisational tools of the selfdriven Framework to help students get organised and first hand experience of decentralising technology like Cardano & SSI.
Work with students to empower them to on-board other students using our Octet & OctoPods framework.
Bring more young people into Cardano via their educational activities.
Students can engage other students.
Students could run workshop for other students.
Clearly articulate the value of decentralisation and supporting Cardano based Blockchain technologies.
Project Set Up / Management Plan
4 weeks
  • Faciliate the setting up of the student team.
  • Allocate team roles.
  • Document and get team approval
  • Project Plan Document
Design with Students
8 weeks
  • Work with students to set up design framework.
  • Students to test current apps and consolidate design feedback for improvements.
  • Document improvements in readiness for implementation @ (Outside the scope of the project)
  • Design Document
Create Educational Content
6 weeks
  • Students work to build educational guides.
  • Students self-test their guides.
  • Publish guides @
  • Guides @
Use App
6 weeks
  • Students record Cardano Blockchain skills.
  • Learning Partners verify the achievements with linked skills.
  • Achievements are minted on Cardano as SDA Tokens
  • NFTs on Cardano as SDAs
Using Launch program to Prepare for Catalyst Funding
4 weeks
  • Students self-work through the selfdriven Launch program to create a proposal fit for Catalyst.
  • Proposal for funding for a project
Effort & Duration
100 hours over 6 Months
Funding Milestones
Project Set Up / Management Plan
Team Set Up
On Going Team Facilitation
Support For Students
Educational Material Creation
Educational Material Testing
Preparation of
On-Boarding Support to
Update Universal Skill Set for Cardano Skills
Support Launch Functionality
  • 4: Quality Education
  • 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16: Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
Implementation Paper
Student Education Group; to further educate & build start ups (by students for students)


A Methodology for Enabling Self-Driven CommunityDAOs

F11 | Uses Cases: Concept
In order to democratise and fully engage all stakeholders in forming their community, it is necessary to offer a research-informed methodology on how participatory consensus-making can function.
The basic foundational research around the formation and workings of decentralised communities is mostly lacking. Currently research around DAOs exclusively centres around Governance- and Law-related questions. But this misses a key aspect of humans coming together in communities, forming organisations and solving problems together in a democratised manner, namely "how do humans solve problems together"?
At this point no Blockchain-ecosystem spent energy on the sociological research regarding humans coming together to solve issues democratically within a decentralised system and organisation, e.g. IOGs own research library is currently (close to entirely) empty for the search terms "social", "participatory", "collaboration" or "DAO".
Cardano has to stay true to its core idea of being research driven by providing a solid scientific framework on how decentralised communities can build and work together. It needs to be investigated how open, problem- and consensus-forming practices and frameworks, such as Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues and Consensus Conferences, can be leveraged through a truly decentralised technological infrastructure.
Our research will offer a foundation and outline the possible transferability of sociological and organisational theory frameworks and methods that can be helpful when projects around community-building lack the foundational knowledge to democratise a problem-solving and consensus-generating process, e.g. using the technological infrastructure of projects such as Consenz and/or selfdriven Apps.
Problem #2
Theoretical research of problem-solving/consensus-building methodology from a sociological and organisation theory background is lacking, even though DAOs inherently necessitate human collaboration.
Solution #2
We will research transferability of open, problem-solving/consensus-building methodology, e.g. Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues and Consensus Conferences, into a network-based technological infrastructure.
The theoretical methodology and framework move forward the understanding regarding the field of organisational theory, especially when it comes to organisational development in the internet-age through technological infrastructure and a decentralised manner of working and functioning.
The theoretical methodology and framework can be empirically tested right away in actual self-driven learning communities, where similarly the methodology and framework can be scrutinised after working through them with communities.
We are conceptualising and building our self-driven learning communities through the selfdriven Foundation, and we are generally on a mission to improve education and learning through a research-driven methodology.
Helbig, C., Hofhues, S., & Lukacs, B. (2021). Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues as Instrument for Design and Qualitative Research in Educational Organisations. In Digital Transformation of Learning Organizations (pp. 23-40). Springer, Cham.
Helbig, C., & Lukacs, B. (2019). Openness as a principle of organisational development in educational contexts: Work report on participation-oriented dialogue formats in the OERlabs project.. Zeitschrift Fur Hochschulentwicklung, 14(2), 109-122;
Abstract: Formulate a concise problem-definition and outline the following research.
Outline: Conceptualising a detailed overview of the research paper, i.e. chapter titles, flow-structure of the paper with arguments, outline of the literature review, outline of the frameworks discussed etc.
Empirical work (and first draft): This is where the largest part of the research work is done, and consists of literature review, outlining the frameworks and methodologies in detail, outlining the transferability into decentralised technological systems, description of possible proposal of extended frameworks for a learning community that is internet-based and decentralised.
Review/Feedback: After finishing the rough draft the paper can be peer-reviewed by fellow researchers and the community.
Final Submission: After working through the feedback from the community, the final adjustments to the paper can be made, and the paper can be published
Effort & Duration
200 hours over 6 Months
Funding Milestones
Empirical Work (and first draft)
Final Submission
  • 4: Quality Education
  • 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16: Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
  • 17: Partnerships for the Goals
The output can be characterised as a research paper. The framework and methodology to be researched can either simultaneously be empirically researched (through practically building and organising a learning community), or used as a basis for empirical work after publication. This would mean that there are two types of research papers possible:
Theoretical work to develop and research methodology and design a framework
Methodology and Framework research, empirically tested in (a) learning community(ies)


Path to Decentralised Self-Driven Learning Communities (Sociological Research/Systems Theory)

F12 | Open: Ecosystem
Delivering a research project for Cardano's social impact goals, focusing on decentralisation, governance, SSI/DID, and DAOs to empower the community and ecosystem.
The Cardano ecosystem and the wider blockchain space lack a solid theoretical and sociological foundation for achieving and building decentralisation in aspects of education, organization, and society. Despite being research-driven, there is a need to establish a comprehensive understanding of the sociological underpinnings of decentralisation and its socio-theoretical implications.
Through this research, deep examination of social dynamics, educational principles, and community engagement can identify the root causes of shortcomings as well as micro- and macro-sociological challenges and deficiencies. It enables the development of comprehensive frameworks, strategies, and recommendations to guide the community in realizing their social impact goals and establishing a strong educational foundation within the Cardano ecosystem, fostering sustainable growth and positive social outcomes. The theoretical foundation of the study consists of the sociological systems theory (Luhmann) and the structuration theory (Giddens). The analysis is accompanied by socio-philosophical implications on the topics of decentralisation and democracy as well as educational aspects in the area of the foundation of communal values and open societal principles. Through the theoretical foundation, communities are to be empowered in the long term to develop their own self-driven learning and development path and to build robust community structures guided by the maxims of decentralisation.
Scholarly Impact and Peer recognition: Number of citations, subsequent studies and publications, high citation rates. Invitations to present the research at conferences, workshops, or academic events. This involves positive reviews and feedback from experts in the field as it contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the Cardano ecosystem.
Level of engagement and feedback from the scientific community. This can include receiving acknowledgments, endorsements, or invitations for collaborations from community members, educators, or learners who find the research valuable and relevant to their needs.
Research Objectives and Literature Review (3 weeks)
  • Define the research objectives, focusing on social dynamics, educational principles, and community engagement within the Cardano ecosystem
  • Conduct a thorough literature review on the identified topics, exploring existing research and theories in sociology, decentralization, and education
  • Analyze the literature findings to identify the root causes of shortcomings, micro- and macro-sociological challenges, and deficiencies within the Cardano ecosystem
Framework Development and Analysis (4 weeks)
  • Develop comprehensive frameworks, strategies, and recommendations based on the analysis of social dynamics, educational principles, and community engagement
  • Apply the sociological systems theory (Luhmann) and the structuration theory (Giddens) as the theoretical foundation for the research
  • Conduct socio-philosophical analysis, exploring the implications of decentralization and democracy, as well as educational aspects related to communal values and open societal principles
Data Collection and Analysis (7 weeks)
  • Collect qualitative and quantitative data through surveys, interviews, and analysis of existing datasets to gather insights on social dynamics and community engagement within the Cardano ecosystem
  • Apply appropriate research methodologies to analyze the collected data and identify patterns, trends, and challenges related to education and community development
  • Integrate the data analysis with the theoretical frameworks developed in Milestone 2 to validate and refine the findings
Recommendations and Strategy Formulation (3 weeks)
  • Synthesise the research findings, theoretical frameworks, and data analysis to develop comprehensive recommendations and strategies
  • Consider the long-term empowerment of communities through self-driven learning and the establishment of robust community structures guided by decentralization principles
Finalise Research and Reporting (5 weeks)
  • Incorporate feedback and revisions based on the evaluation of the research findings, theoretical frameworks, and recommendation
  • Finalise the research paper, ensuring coherence, logical flow, and clarity of the presented analysis, frameworks, and recommendations
Effort & Duration
120 hours over 6 Months
Funding Milestones
Research outline and compilation
Refining models, theories and frameworks
Empirical Work, analysing theories and collecting data
Final Submission of the theory
  • 4: Quality Education
  • 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16: Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
  • 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Research Paper
Theoretical Framework
Long-range Sociological Analysis

Funds Tracking
All community funding will be tracked using the selfdriven Organisational app. This app is integrated with Cardano and will publish all use-of-community-funds to the Cardano Blockchain as SDU tokens. SDU tokens include metadata that references the on-chain transaction ID, the SDD token, with a link to any source document or evidence supporting the use of funds and the SDI ("Organisational" type, e.g. the project) token.
Project & Task Tracking
Community funded projects will be tracked using the same selfdriven Organisation app. Project updates will be reported periodically as SDU tokens on the Cardano blockchain, referencing the associated SDI token.
Feasibility / Ability To Delivery / Experience
The selfdriven team supporting the projects have a wealth of experience in education and technology.
The selfdriven Foundation was founded in 2019 and the team is highly engaged within the Cardano community. It has a robust organisational structure.
Mark Byers (Initiator & Co-founder) is a qualified Engineer and has 30+ years experience delivering internet based high-grade solutions to market, including the vision to co-found the service in 2000.
Bence Lukacs (Co-Founder) has many years of experience in e-Learning Instructional Design and Media Didactics.
Benjamin Heurich (Co-Founder) is a university lecturer and researcher in the departments of Sociology and Educational Sciences with a focus on digital education, educational equity and internationalisation.
Damian Noonan (Co-Founder) has over 20 years experience delivering technology projects as part of strategic transformation initiatives, with expertise particularly Salesforce, MuleSoft and its emerging technologies.
Garry Golden (Co-Founder) is a professional Futurist who helps organisations navigate market transitions. He is also Founder and Owner of Into the Future - a Brooklyn-based creative learning space.
Diverse advisory team with over 100+ years experience
Advisory team includes Mario Altimari (Co-Founder) eLearningDAO.
Accountability & Management
All projects funded by Cardano are managed within the selfdriven Foundation management framework.
Community Engagement
The team is highly engaged within the Cardano community; including participation in Cardano Summit events, Voltaire workshops, IntersectMBO committees/work groups and supporting community projects like:
We have a deep understanding of Cardano technology; conceptually and practically via use.
@selfdrivenOcto is also an active member of the Cardano community on Twitter.
We are engaged in a number of educational communites, as we continue to run pilots with students and other participants.
Generally the selfdriven project supports the SDGs of Quality Education, Gender Equality, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
The selfdriven Foundation's impact if multi-dimensional:
  • Project based and authentic learning with in traditional learning environments.
  • The use of decentralisation technologies to re-humanise our society.
Return On Investment (Value For Money)
Generally leveraging the considerable existing investment into selfdriven Framework & Services.
All funds are applied directly to community returns as core framework exists.
Everything is shared as CC0 (Public Domain)
Building up the Octets and OctoCrews, including funding a special collectable NFT art series.
Working with existing Cardano centers to collaborate on educational engagement.
Universal Skills Set
Complete the creation of the genesis set of skills.
Work with on-chain projects to get their project related skills added to the skill set i.e. an in Metaverse skill relating to an achievement based on game play.
Educational Tech Resources
Work with content creators to build education content focused on young learners ("students") and their learning partners ("teachers").
Build selfdriven spaces within the metaverses e.g. Cornucopias
Support the transition of to community run website/hub, with resources to generally help onboard Cardano developers with sharing, collaboration, mentoring.
Octo Resources
Establish the OctoPool, a Cardano stake pool and also document as step-by-step guide for inclusion on for use by OctoCrews with in learning communities (i.e. Schools) to create their own stake pools and add to the decentralisation of Cardano.
Integrate FindingOcto game into selfdriven learning templates.
Integrate Catalyst into OctoLaunch as a source of energy/funds for young people's projects within learning communities.
Establish the selfdriven Foundation DAO as OctoDAO, using the selfdriven Governance framework.
Create "OctoDAO" guides for use by learning communities to establish their own DAOs for their member based governance.
Research CIP-1694 and how it can be used to run selfdriven DAO / Members based organisation.
Research & Design of the selfdriven Transaction and Storage Infrastructure.
Transitioning towards multi-validated and decentralised storage.
Exploring the storage (based on as a isomorphic head linked to Cardano mainnet etc

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The selfdriven Foundation is focused on supporting the SDGs marked as green below; 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16 & 17.
No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
Good Health and Well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Reduced Inequalities
Reduce income inequality within and among countries.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Responsible Consumption and Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Life Below Water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.
Life on Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Partnerships for the Goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Cardano Catalyst Funding Summary

Up Votes (ADA)
Down Votes (ADA)
Overall, a positive number of community upvotes (82.4M ADA). One proposal made it through, while the other four were downvoted. Nonetheless, it's encouraging to see positive support from the community.
[1] Upgrade the selfdriven Apps to support SSI & xAPI Standards, and DAO Functionality (Open-Source)
[2] Atala PRISM & Learning Communities. Empowering Education by Integrating SSI, DID, and Soulbound Tokens for Transformative Credentialing in the Atala PRISM Ecosystem
[3] Student-Driven Demonstration of the Use of SSI and the Cardano Blockchain to Capture their Blockchain Skills
[4] A Methodology for Enabling Self-Driven CommunityDAOs
10 v2
Overall, good positive number of community votes (141.23M ADA), but unfortunately none of the proposals meet the 45M ADA threshold.
[1] Upgrade the selfdriven Apps to support SSI & xAPI Standards, and DAO Functionality (Open-Source)
[2] Atala PRISM & Learning Communities. Empowering Education by Integrating SSI, DID, and Soulbound Tokens for Transformative Credentialing in the Atala PRISM Ecosystem
[4] A Methodology for Enabling Self-Driven CommunityDAOs
[5] Path to Decentralised Self-Driven Learning Communities (Sociological Research/Systems Theory)
11 v2

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The foundation team is a collective of people passionate about the value of education and its capacity to create a least-harmful society.


The organisation of the selfdriven Foundation & Cloud Services (Apps & API).


You, everyone else, governance & funding.


Strategic direction annd key milestone timeline.


How as a community we make decisions and control the energy flows.


A Framework to support a project-based society.


Establishing trust; for everyone and everything.


selfdriven Identity


selfdriven "On-Chain" tokens/assets.


Explore the universal skills set.


Talk to us about any help you may need.