
The selfdriven Token Based Economy

Relating to ...

Supporting ...


Community Members & Organisations (Learners, Learning-Partners), Skills (Including Sources, Domains, Levels, Capacity), Resources, Templates, Policies etc.


How achievements were completed, i.e. which learning-templates, which skills were gained and who issued and verified them.


Engagement with community i.e. community service, caring for others etc.

Enabling ...

The foundation:

Trustlessness between community members.

Transparency of acheivements and how achieved.

Skill identity leading to economic identity.

Learn to Earn (Make it authentic).

Play to Learn (Gamification).


Relating to tokenomics.

SDI (Identity)

Used to record identities on-chain, so they can be referenced in other on-chain tokens (assets) e.g. an SDA.

SDA (Achievements)

Achievement tokens that are linked to known skills and the community member as represented by SDI tokens.

SDC (Community)

Used for recognition of community service, positive attributes, accountability etc.

SDF (Foundation)

Issued to founding and advisory members and highly engaged community members.
SDF (Genesis) & SDF/2 (Octets & OctoCrews)


On the Cardano Blockchain.



Non-Fungible Token (NFT)


Non-Fungible Token (NFT)


Fungible Token (FT)

1,000,000,000 minted as genesis and released as earned within the community.

Then minted in 1,000,000,000 blocks as required and released as earned within the community.




Fungible Token (FT)

100,000 minted as genesis.

Then 100,000 minted for highly engaged community members.

Total 200,000 by policy.

Rewards distributed as percentage of total and as per the SDX tokens.


Special NFTs

Special NFTs will be minted as required to recognise highly engaged community members,
as determined by the selfdriven Foundation members.

Other Tokens

The tokens of other Cardano based projects/services that form part of the selfdriven Community can be linked to selfdriven tokens using the selfdriven SDL token.
For example, linking a Decentralised ID (DID) NFT to a selfdriven SDI.

On-Chain Addresses

Payments, Donations etc

Foundation Treasury


In the future, community members and supporters will be able to stake their tokens (ADA, SDC etc) to the selfdriven operated Cardano Stake Pool ("OctoPool"), supporting people to learn and self-drive their life.

As part of this process, we will also create guides to help learning communities set up their own stake pools (OctetPools) - adding to the decentralisation of the Cardano Network!
We are also considering the potential of the Conclave Protocol as per the research paper by IOHK/G.


As a part of governance.

Over time voting power moves from Founding Members to Octets and engaged community members.



Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Achievements (SDAs) issued by the Foundation x 1 vote.
Maximum of 100 votes per SDI.


Fungible Token (FT)
Votes per SDI = SDC / Total SDC x 1,000,000.
Maximum of 100 votes per SDI.


Fungible Token (FT)
2023/2024; Votes per SDI = SDF tokens x 1.
Total potential votes = 200,000.
2025+; Votes per SDI = SDF x 0.1.
Total potential votes = 20,000.

Recognition of Community Engagement / Effort

10% of gross collected subscription fees for use of the Apps (Cloud Service) are allocated to the Foundation.
Rewards are paid monthly and distributed (sent) to the Cardano addresses as per the associated SDF/SDX tokens.
Example ...
Gross collected services subscription fees are $100,000.
$100,000 * 10% = $10,000 is sent to the foundation (eventually DAO/Smart Contract) Cardano address.
A community member has 2,000 of the 200,000 SDF Tokens
(Policy ID; 906ba07f6419a89d7b05cca88f0ff3ee2114936c373cb2156f8426ec).
This community member will be sent 2,000/200,000 = 1% * $10,000 = $100 as ADA (or equivalent stable-token) to the same address as the linked SDX token(s)*.
* You can have multiple SDX tokens linked to an SDF token allocation (linked via UXTO Transaction #), with the most recent transactions and values taking precidence.
E.g. with 100SDF tokens linked to SDX/01DEC2022/AddrA/100 & SDX/10DEC2022/AddrB/25 tokens;
25/Total of the rewards pool going to AddrB and 75/Total of the rewards pool going to AddrA.

Token Usage Beyond the selfdriven Community

The selfdriven tokens can be used by other on-chain protocols, communities
and generally by society & associated economies.
For example ...
SDI tokens can be used with "Decentralised ID (DID)" frameworks
as verified NFTs.
SDI "Skill" tokens can be used by other communities to capture their specific skills as part of the open source universal skill set.
SDA & SDC tokens can be used as measures of activity within a society:
A/ Representing the level of learning, leading to a least-harmful society, and thus that reduction in harm translates to a positive impact on the economy and a peaceful society.
B/ As education is subscribed in many modern societies1 - the learning activity2 is "constant/stable" and can be used as a measured-value to support derived tokens and decentralised finance (DeFi) services - creating a "pegged/anchored" relationship with societal value3.
SDI & SDC tokens can be formed into synthetic indexes as a high-level representation of a society's commitment to UDHR Article 26 and a least-harmful society.
The learner outcomes as achievements and skills including capacity (Aware, Capable, Knowledgeable, Natural) would be indexed.
The more skill capacity the higher the index - which in turn relates to the skills available within a society and related economy - closing the economic loop.
The SDI (identity of all of the selfdriven coommunity entities) token can also act as a proof-of-reputation within tokenomic validation processes.

A Deeper Dive Into The Tokens

Deeper dive into selfdriven tokens and associated tokenomics.

Establishing Trust On-Chain

A deeper dive into establishing trust in issued achievements and associated skills using on-chain tokens.


Talk to us about tokens and how they can help your learning environment.

What Is The Blockchain?

Get an understanding of the blockchain by engaging, e.g. by setting up a wallet.

Accessing selfdriven On-Chain Data

Example node.js code to access the selfdriven on-chain data stored on Cardano.


Community-verified activity and growth as a path to useful resources.