


Learning happens when it is fun, with purpose, challenging and responsive.

Promoting activity that helps with our wellbeing

We learn in many different places, real-world and virtual-world

EXAMPLE Game Based On Effort In The Form of "RocketOcto" Achievement

Based on achievements (SDA tokens), selfdriven community members will be able to unlock bonus FindingOcto game tokens by visiting locations within their wider community - getting them out and about!
We use the CardanoBeam app to manage the geolocation based collection of tokens.

Example Game play ...

1/ A learner (as learning community member) completes a template based learning project and gains a "RocketOcto" capacity skill, which is stored on-chain (Cardano) as an SDA (achievement token).
2/ Based on the learning template, this achievement also earns them an FindingOctoVenturer token (with associated metadata about the FindingOcto Rewards i.e 100SDC tokens) which is sent to their CardanoBeam wallet.
3/ Then when they visit a particular place in the community it will, in this example, earn them an additonal 100 SDC tokens.
4/ The learner visits the place and when close to the location, the CardanoBeam app, based on them holding a FindingOctoVenturer token sends them a FindingOctoX token with the same metadata.
5/ The FindingOcto game then periodically looks for new FindingOctoX tokens and, using the metadata, sends that as associated tokens to the selfdriven Community Member's Primary Cardano Address - in this case 100 SDC tokens.

Game #0001
"selfdriven Connect 2-4-1"

Game started 1st Jan 2023!
Help me, Octo, test out my first FindingOcto game!
Go to and install the app on your phone.

Then ...

1/ Go to Connect and Sign Up and provide a physical-location that is easy for you to visit, and the CardanoBeam app wallet address.
The physical-location can be GPS Coords, a Street Name or Place Name. Recommend making it a public location i.e. not your home address!
2/ We will then send the FindingOctoVenturer token to your CardanoBeam app/wallet and pin the FindingOctoX token to the location you have specified.
3/ We will then let you know when it's all good to go!
4/ In your CardanoBeam app/wallet you will see the FindingOctoVenturer token.
This is your pass to play the FindingOcto adventure game.
5/ Visit the location, and using the CardanoBeam app, press "Play". When the token on the map goes green you will receive FindingOctoX token!
6/ The FindingOcto game then periodically checks for new FindingOctoX tokens and will send the 200 SDF tokens to your primary Cardano address as a thanks/reward!
7/ Submit any feedback using the online form
8/ Share your experience @selfdrivenOcto

The Importance of Play in Learning

Deeper dive into why learning needs play.

Learning Spaces

We learn in many different spaces.


Check out the selfdriven Universal Skills Set


selfdriven community (SDC) and achievment (SDA) tokens.


We work well with others, so if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!