Growth Cycle

Enabling Economies based on Growth
(People, Organisations, Skills, Achievements & Energy)
A measure of learner growth based on achievements
Passive & Active Funds


Verification ...

A cycle of personal, organisational & community growth.

The Steps

Steps of the growth cycle as per diagram above.
Lock Energy
Passive Funds represented as SDAX tokens
  • Learning community supporters provide funds (liquidity) based on specific learner growth being achieved.
    Learning community supporters can be individuals or organisations (e.g. local community associations).
    Within this context, learning community supporters can be considered as "liquidity-providers".
Learner Growth
Learning levelling up skills via challenges / projects.
  • Within a learning community (e.g. "a school") learners complete projects using selfdriven Apps.
  • The learning activity is verified by a trusted learning-partner, and achievements (with associated skills) are issued | Using selfdriven to establish trust
  • Achievements are represented as SDA tokens, which are formatted as W3C/SSI Verifiable Credentials (VCs).
    Skills are represented as SDI tokens which are formatted as W3C/SSI Decentralised IDs (DIDs) & DID Documents (DIDDocs) | selfdriven Identity
Energise Projects & Learners
By unlocking energy (funds)
  • As the learner completes challenges or projects and the skill growth is verified, achievements are issued by trusted learning-partners. Matching support funds, referred to as liquidity-pairs, can be unlocked using the SDAX/ADA or SDAX/DJED liquidity-pools within the selfdriven Exchange.
  • As the passive energy (funds represented as ADA/DJED) is unlocked according to the liquidity-provider's parameters, it is then distributed.
  • The distribution can be to a learner, or project controlled by a trusted learning-partner.
  • The distribution parameters set by the liquidity-provider can include the following:
    1. Sending it to the learner that the achievement is for.
    2. Allowing the learner for whom the achievement is for to make the decision at their discretion.
    3. Sending it to a specified project.
  • Distribution can be all at once or linked to the distribution project milestones.
    Distribution can occur all at once or be linked to the project's distribution milestones. If the distribution is tied to project milestones, then funds are re-locked using parameters related to the direct distribution (i.e. "this learner" can receive funds when "this skill is gained via achievement").
Project & Learner Activity
Within community or other community (as form of support)
  • Project or learner activity, for which the funds are intended, is verified by trusted learning-partners such as, for example, DirectEd
  • Projects may optionally managed using the selfdriven Projects App.
    If project progress is managed using the selfdriven Projects App, then the issuance of achievements can be used to unlock the funds based on milestones as per step 3 of the growth cycle.
  • Unlocking can also be based on other data accessed via Oracles, off-chain (Web API) or on-chain using services like OrcFax / Charli3.
    It can can also be based on geo-location using services like CardanoBeam.


Notes and references for the growth cycle
Any funding token can be used. ADA & DJED are common-use examples.
  • SDAX: This token is mapped to the SDA, meaning that an SDAX token can be exchanged for a matching SDA token, which then unlocks the linked energy (funds).
  • ADA: Native Cardano token.
  • DJED: Token mapped to the USD, offering a more stable, useable value.
SDAX Token
  • This is a token representing the locked energy provided by community supporters
  • It maps one-to-one to the SDA token.
  • The parameters set with the SDAX token (as metadata) that can be used to unlock it.
  • For decentralised/on-chain implementations the SDAX metadata transforms to Marlowe Domain Specific Language (DSL) based JSON object.
    i.e. The social contracts represented in the SDAX token become Marlowe contracts.
Liquidity Pools
  • Any entity (individual, organisation, collective, DAO) can provide liquidity to support the learning powered growth cycle.
  • Liquidity can be provided as SDAX/ADA or SDAX/DJED pairs.
  • Liquidity is unlocked via matching SDAs issued to SDAXs as a form of an order, so the Exchange could be considered as using an "Order-Book" model.
Token/Energy Unlocking
  • Tokens can be unlocked by:
    1. The validation script (Smart Contract) stored at the address of the SDAX.
      This is the fully-decentralised solution, using Marlowe as the validation script generator.
    2. Off-chain order batch processing.
      This is offered as interim solution while decentralised solution is maturing.
Energy (Funds) Sources
Acting both as incentives to learn & support for others.
This section is under development and serves as a consolidation of ideas as design sessions continue.
  • Funds can be donated, with no expectation of financial return, or used to support projects that will help the recipient (e.g. provide a house for them) and generate a financial return for the liquidity-provider.
  • Funds can be existing liquidity i.e. accumulated savings.
  • Alternatively, as an example, funds can represent the value captured in property (represented as title documents) in "developed" nations.
    This property value (represented as on-chain value tokens) can be used to assist others in "developing" nations. An example of on-chain property value representation services / tokenisation protocols, is:
    The fractionalisation of these tokens (either inherent in the associated protocol or via DeFi markets) can be used as energy (funding) sources for the growth-cycle, and generate a return if say used with projects like:
    For instance:
    1. A community supporter might tokenize the ownership of their property
    2. They then take, say 1% of the tokens and use them as collateral in an exchange for DJED using a DeFi protocol that will generate a return.
    3. Then using the selfdriven Supporter App, they create a SDAX token that has the funds as the DJED, and they set the unlocking parameters i.e. the specific De/RealFi project it can be used with.
    4. The learners within the community they are supporting level up their skills, which unlocks the funds, and the process then continues as per the selfdriven Growth-Cycle...

Worked Example

Here is a worked example of a learner in a "developed" nation levelling up their skills, with resulting achievement (SDA) unlocking a SDAX. The unlocked SDAX will be send DJED to an learning-partner organisation to purchase a laptop for a learner in a "developing" nation.
It is assumed that all entities referenced in the example below have an assigned SDI[DID] that can trusted (traced) back to the selfdriven root SDI[DID] via SDA[VC]s) | Using selfdriven to establish trust


Liquidity Provided By Community Supporter
"Growth Cycle Step 1"
  • A Community Supporter logs on to Supporter App, a dedicated app for providing liquidity (with conditional parameters) as a funds donation, or via the buying of selfdriven Foundation or community created supporter Art.
  • Using the app, the supporter then creates liquidity provision (funding) record with the parameters (for this example):
    • Funds: {token: 'DJED', Quantity: 200}
    • SDAX-Quantity: 100 [maximum number of SDAs]
    • Unlock-When-SDA-Issued:
      • By: 'sdi:ddea7071-c37b-4c3f-ab69-603870f5c9f6' (selfdrivenOcto)
      • To-Learner-In-This-Community: 'sdi:7935dff5-0182-43af-b0bb-24237f3552d4' (Example Learning Community)
      • With-Skills-Gained: { name: 'Grit', uri: '00010000091001', capacity: 'C', level: 10 }
      • Based-On-Template: 'sdd:xxxxxx-xxxx-' [i.e what evidence required for level 10-C etc ]
    • Send-Funds:
      • To: 'sdi:xxxxxx-xxxx-'


Learner Growth
"Growth Cycle Step 2"
  • Learner using the Level Up App chooses to level up two skills through a challenge:
    • { name: 'Focus', uri: '00010000091001', capacity: 'C', level: 10 }
    • { name: 'Grit', uri: '00010000091001', capacity: 'C', level: 10 }
  • The Challenge parameters are agreed to by the trusted learning-partner (selfdrivenOcto in this example).
  • The learner records challenge activity and, once complete, the learning partner validates it as per the learning template.
  • The achievement as SDA[VC] is then issued.


Unlock Funds
"Growth Cycle Step 3"
  • selfdriven checks for new SDAs and matches to SDAXs.
  • It then creates a spent record linked to the matched SDA.
  • If more than one matching SDAX exists, the oldest one is used.
  • Given this SDAX has no linked milestones, a spent record for immediate distribution of fund tokens is created.
  • In this example, there are now (100-1) 99 SDAX tokens available.


Use of Funds
"Growth Cycle Step 4"
  • The recipient of the funds (either the learner or the learning partner) uses the Level Up or Projects App to report back the use of the funds via evidence (photos, etc.)
  • This is achieved by creating a project in which the learner, learning partner, and supporter are team members
  • The learner or learning partner can then upload the evidence to this project
  • As a team member with the "Supporter" role, the supporter can see the evidence by using the Supporter App (




Community-verified activity and growth as a path to useful resources.


How are we growing as learners & learning-partners.

Improvement Cycle

Continuous incremental improvement with reflection.


For measuring growth, performance & outcomes


selfdriven Identity


Establishing trust; for everyone and everything.


The use of indicators within the selfdriven Research Group (OctoPod).


The passive & active energy powering the selfdriven ecosystem.


The Apps that make it accessible; You, Level-Up, Projects, Next-Steps & Core.


Explore the universal skills set.


Talk to us about any help you may need.