
A key consideration for any organisation basing its operations on a cloud service is the ability of that service to deliver reliably and maintain security.

The selfdriven Organisational Structure Overview

The Foundation

Functions as an Autonomous Organisation.

The governance and direction are determined by the SDF token holders.

Focused on research and engagement with the framework as an Open Source (CCO) protocol - with a focus on creating a least-harmful society.

Supports education about the value and technology of blockchains, specifically Cardano, with the aim of creating decentralised societies and promoting self-sovereign identity

Cloud Services

Operating as Australian Registered Business
(selfdriven Pty Ltd).

A team that covers the Direction, Engagement, Lab & Operations zones.

Runs the services to support the Apps & API.

Has agreements with learning-communities to provide the Apps & API.

Provide professional support services as required.

The following sections relate to the selfdriven Cloud Services.

Capacity to Deliver

selfdriven Uses Well-Proven Infrastructure
Starting with, a ISO27001/17 compliant application cloud service hosted on AWS.

Use of Standards

Information Security

selfdriven & entityOS use the ISO27001/17 standards for their Information Security Mangement System (ISMS).


selfdriven is currently running a number of pilots with learning communities as we refine the common framework and apps.
The focus has been on working with the students to conduct design research and usage testing, so at this stage, the evidence is in the design of the Apps.
selfdriven has a strategic relationship with entityOS and leverages the reliability of its service to establish continuity in the selfdriven Cloud Services / Apps.
Contact with the following App services running on entityOS can be arranged as required.
(20+ Years)
(10+ Years)
(20+ Years)
(2+ Years)

Staying Relevant

In changing times it is important to listen, observe and adapt.


selfdriven has a strategic relationship with the selfdriven Foundation for community based research.
Engaging with the relevant communities to understand, design & share.

Artificial Intellegence

selfdriven is actively researching Generative AI and how it can be used to "Bring Learning to Life".

Your Continuity Planning

We can help you develop and continuity plan to fit wit your Master Data Managment (MDM) system.

This includes automated periodic syncing of data using the API.

The Organisation

The organisational structures that support the framework and services.

Our Identity

Logos, Team Photos, Links, Presentations, Teglines etc

Information Security

Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability.


The community research and inputs that shape the selfdriven framework and services.


Connect with us or the community to talk more.